Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Meditate on this!

Try meditation - said a friend. It would help de-stress. Keep your mind blank and concentrate on your breathing! Easier said than done. The only time my mind goes blank is when my boss asks me a question. Sit down cross legged and thoughts race through my head and then come back for re runs!

Concentrate on my breathing??? But I'm asthmatic! Wheeze , puff pant - meditation doesnt work for the lay man or woman!

Buzzing off now,


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Not now, darling!

Anytime we have the urge to kick up our heels and give ourselves a good time , we tell ourselves"Not now , darling". It's not the right time to live your dreams, you still have responsibilities - you have a long way to go.
Sure we have responsibilities. We've always had - ever since we were pushed into L KG and had to learn our alphabets. Year after year the responsibilities changed and grew - but there were, are and ever will be omnipresent in our lives.
So when do we let our hair down? And scoot off for a bit and give ourselves the time our dreams are made of? The time could never be right, unless you choose to make it so!

If you don't start taking your first step towards it ... and little steps thereafter - it could be too late.
How many plans have you made? How many steps have you taken? Keep track- for your dreams lie in them!
Buzzing off now

A friend in need

You know - when things go wrong - nothing works like friendship does. You're hurting inside - something has gone wrong - and you don't know how to set it right. Call up a friend or two - spend time with them - you needn't even even talk about whats troubling you .... but you feel yourself lightening up - the dark giving way to light within you.

If you're in trouble - its certainly not the time to withdraw into yourself. No matter how tempted you are to shut out the world.

Buzzing off

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Idiots n Boxes

Our media scares me. Some of the news channels think they have a right to pass judgment on everyone and everything. The power of the pen seems to have diminished compared to the power of the idiot box – with idiots manning it.
Take, for example, their reaction to India losing the T 20 matches ….. some channels were out to lynch Dhoni – throwing tantrums because Team India didn’t win. Never mind his spectacular winning streak over the last two years – ooooooooooooh they dared not to win this time – and they shall be equated with the terrorists who attacked Mumbai and thus condemned for eternity – or till he pleases them with a win again!
The same reporter had the nerve to ask Sachin – “Don’t we overreact as a country???”

Why are we pointing fingers at them – we’re the idiots watching the idiot box! Now you know why its been christened so!!! Bunch of idiots who think they're thinking out of the box!

Buzzing off now .... Suki