Friday, July 10, 2009

What's troubling you, baby?

In a philosophical discussion I had recently with a friend - we were debating on fear being the origin of all our negative emotions - like anger, guilt, jealousy, resentment etc.
The fear of not having, of losing, of not achieving, of not being able to fend for ourselves, of not being thought well of, of not being loved... the list is endless.
If we could identify our core fear - it would make a huge difference to our ability to deal with our world. We could be more active than reactive, more positive and negative - and more capable of identying what we need and want and reaching our goals.

Wow - talk about surmising about life's primary problem in one short paragraph!! Obviously easier said than done!
But, am just thinking.... if we could only point ourselves in the right direction - wouldn't it be a giant leap for us?

But that again is easier said than done. Can we really identify why we react negatively in certain situations? Or is it easier than we fear? What is it that we're really afraid of?

Buzzing off now


  1. I was thinking about what you have written about fear...
    I was wondering,then, when fear is removed, people should stop thinking and actively negatively,isn't it?
    Immediately I thought of all the asuras in our puranas, who overcame fear throught the great boons they got and went on to become worse...

    What is it that made them act that way? Could it be need then?
    "Need" for power, need for recognition, love, wealth, acceptance and so on...

    Maybe we have to dig deeper to find out what is lying below the need factor..

  2. the need for power - when it gets overwhelming - could it go hand in hand with the fear of not having what they need? what they crave for?

